Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Biomass technology would bring jobs to area

Letter published in Sunday Binghamton Press

By Rance Brode • October 17, 2010, 12:00 am

Hydraulic fracturing is an unacceptable risk to our environment and way of life. We are fortunate to live in an area basically free from natural disaster threats such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and flooding. Why create our own manmade threat?

New York state and our local communities should instead focus their efforts on establishing upstate New York as the leader in biomass technologies to create our own renewable energy source. This would greatly promote the agriculture and lumber industries in producing the wide variety of vegetation that can be converted to various forms of energy and fuels.

We should promote and establish the manufacturing of biomass equipment in upstate New York, ranging from large industrial to small home use. Our high-tech companies and universities should focus on the development of this quickly evolving technology. (Lockheed Martin in Owego already is using this technology themselves and will soon be providing it to a customer.)

My vision is that all jobs related to this renewable energy source, including growing the necessary crops, manufacturing, building, operating and sustaining the necessary equipment and facilities, researching and evolving the technology, would remain in upstate New York.

The only thing that will stop our migration of shopping to the far less taxed state of Pennsylvania is when they have polluted their land and water beyond repair. I clearly hope this does not happen, but I do not believe we should assume the risk they have when there is a far more safe, prosperous and renewable way to proceed.

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